Will J. Reid Scout Park
Since at least 1958, the 11-acre Will J. Reid Scout Camp (located in Long Beach, CA) has been a close-to-home activity base for thousands of Scouts, Scouters, and other Youth groups.
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You may or may not be aware that our local camp jewel Will J. Reid is in danger of being sold off.
For good reason? Perhaps.
As are so many in this economy, the Long Beach Area Council is struggling financially. We are indeed in the midst of one of the worst recessions in generations, with an effect that is truly profound, one that can lead to a crisis of confidence in ourselves and our leaders. But other choices can be made. The best one is for all of us to bond together and work to save our 11-acres of open space; a place that we as proud Scouts can call "home"!
Are You In Yet?
Yes there will be a coordinated effort to safe [sic] this Council and Will J Reid. I invite you all to be a part of the solution.
I was appointed at Wednesday's Executive Board meeting by Council President Jim Jeffrey to head up a fund raising effort to raise $250,000 in 90 days.
That's a tall order; but I believe we can do it. Blake Whitney, ASM Troop 29 and the leader of our recent Centennial Camporee at Emerald Bay, believes we can as well. He has offered a great theme for the campaign; Are You In? It's fitting. Don't you agree?
The truth of the matter is that our Council is in jeopardy of getting a Provisional Charter from National in January 2010. That's 'scouting-speak' that equates to having a 1 year probation-of-sorts to get our finances turned-around or be merged with a neighboring Council. Not because we don't have quality programs, youth, volunteers, training or properties. We do!
It's that our financial model that is unsustainable. We slashed spending by laying off many staff members. That's the Scout Executive's job. Our job as volunteers is to raise more Friends of Scouting dollars. Are you In?
Some have [sic] you have asked for financial transparency. That's reasonable and appropriate. I believe we have nothing to hide. This is our Council. We have a new Scout Executive John Fullerton since July 2009. I've often said; It's a brand new day at LBAC. He's a terrific individual. He has my full faith and confidence as does his team of scouting professionals.
Our current problems have really been festering for a number of years. The truth is our past Scout Executive did not have strong financial monitoring [The Scout Executive works for the elected Executive board; did the Executive Board fail to do their job?] or fund raising skills. I can't change the past. I can provide leadership for the present and the future. Are you in?
The focus seems to be all on WJR. But the real focus should be our Council. Since the strategy offered by the committee is to sell WJR to save the Council. Which while a tidy solution that would pay off debt, provide for substantial needed resources for capital improvements to Camp Tahquitz and Sea Base. Then deposit about $5 million to our endowment raising it to about $8 million. Which in turn would generate (at 4% return) approximately $320,000 in investment income.
Again a tidy solution that would make us very sustainable. But, and its a big but, we would lose our beloved WJR. As those who are following this issue closely are aware, I stood up at Wednesday's meeting and offered an alternative strategy.
My strategy is to clearly articulate the issue to our council family, with honesty and clarity, then commence to raise the funds to sustain the Council so we don't have to sell now (in a down market) allowing for some to develop solid plans for our 10 acre park that would likely include community partnerships that will include improvements to the property, increase youth usage and fees generated making the property sustainable for the long term. Are you in?
Tonight and Friday my focus is on a grand Centennial Camporee celebration this Saturday. Come join us and pour your best scouting enthusiasm and support toward it.
Encourage your Scouting Circle to do the same. That includes both current and alumni scouts, friends, family and neighbors.
Let's show our true commitment that includes both emotional and financial commitment to our Council. Our children and community deserve nothing less! Are you in?
I will be leading the Centennial Campfire. Let's enjoy this celebration to provide a terrific commencement to this challenge before us.
Yours in Scouting,
Brian C. Russell
Los Fierros District Chair
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